Wednesday 15 May 2019



Before the invention of common medicine, people used herbs to treat diseases, sickness, heal injuries and stay healthy. People used flowers such as lavender and calendula to make a face mask that nourishes your face and keep it looking healthy. Herbs can be used to balance out your diet and keep the blood pressure down.Some examples of cool herbs are:
Anise Hyssop (Agastache foeniculum)Image result for anise hyssop
Infused leaves can alleviate the symptoms of coughs and colds. They can be used as a compress to soothe fevers and headaches. Add it to foot bath to treat Athlete's Foot, an itchy foot fungus.

St John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
An infusion of the plant can be used to soothe anxiety and nervous tension. A mild tablet can help with depression and OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). Always consult a doctor first, though!Fun myth: if you tread on St John's wort after sundown you will be swept off the ground by a magic horse that will charge around until sunrise and then deposit you on the ground. - apparently.

Image result for eyebright
Eyebright (Euphrasia Officinalis)
Eyebright is famous for treating eye problems including slowing down age-related weakness. Eyebright can also reduce mucus discharge during colds and flu. Apparently, it can reduce memory loss.

- Do you think you’d need or want to use any of these herbs? Explain.
- Do you know any thing else about herbs? What is it?
- What is your opinion about herbs? Are they useful, boring, interesting…?

~ HotdogDotme

Thursday 9 May 2019

Lego Is Cool

Lego is Cool!

I think Lego is fun to play with. You can build houses, cars, planes and whatever you want.
When you're bored and you have lots of imagination, then you can go play with your Lego.

Here are some Lego sets you can get: Minecraft Lego, Police Lego and lots more.
Some people think Lego sucks, I don’t know why. I think because they like video games
more and that is unfair. There are five kids I know that like Lego and I am happy
because of them.

So if you ever see a Lego you should ask if you can play with it.

- Do you like Lego? Why or Why Not?
- What sets do you have?
- What have you built?
- Who is your favorite character?


Friday 3 May 2019

Electric Cars

Electric Cars
What is an electric car? An electric car is the future for transportation. It means no more polluting gas and oil and  toxic air not to mention the climate increasing heat it is going to do a lot of great things for us and wildlife!

Image result for electric cars
When you usually drive electric cars, they currently run at around 250 km per hour until they need to be recharged again. Some can go for 450km/h and even faster for speed! For prices, it depends what model it is, where it is, what style it is and the newer or older it is. Electric cars are the future, do you think so?

- Do you like electric cars? Why or why not?
- Do you want an electric car? Which brand would it be?
- What do you think the future is going to bring for cars?
